A Healthy Christmas To You: My Amazing Chicken Salad Recipe


Yeah it’s Christmas and many of us will blame it on the season when our waist lines thicken. And then come January, we will fill our new year resolution wish list with all sorts of health and fitness goals that won’t see the light of February.

So let’s focus on what we can do. We can make conscious choices about what we put into our bodies. Yes we’ll definitely be tempted to try a slice of cake (I know I will), but should generally try and eat healthy, wholesome foods. But healthy doesn’t have to be boring.

Case in point – My Amazing Chicken Salad Recipe 🙂

Let’s get straight to it, shall we?

Grill very well marinated chicken thighs (or breasts), then skin,debone and shred it. Cut up 1/4 cucumber, 3 large tomatoes and 3 or 4 lettuce leaves. Mix in 3 tablespoons (or less) of Greek yogurt and 1/2 spoon of mayonnaise (optional). Add your chicken to the mix and voila, you are ready to dig in.

PS: Ensure your chicken is well marinated, preferable overnight because it really defines the flavor of your salad. I bought already marinated chicken from a Lebanese store and oven-grilled it myself. Next time, I’ll marinate myself and share the recipe.

Do you have other healthy recipes we should be trying out this Christmas? Please do share in the comments section. And do let me know if you try out this salad.

All my love,
